To apply for any relief from an Irish court arising from a Divorce in another country, your divorce must first be recognised in Ireland. We have dealt with this in our earlier Section “Recognition of Foreign Divorce” and is generally brought in the Circuit Family Law Court in Ireland.

Kelly Hoban Solicitors can advise you in relation to your entitlement to apply for any further relief’s arising from a foreign divorce.

Such further applications to court might include for example an application in relation to maintenance, access, or custody in relation to children who live in Ireland.

It may also be necessary to bring such an application seeking a Court Order in relation to property in Ireland by way of a Property Adjustment Order or in relation to your Irish pension by way of a Pension Adjustment Orders.

It is important to note foreign Court cannot make Orders in relation to Irish property or Irish pensions as such assets are governed by Irish Law.

If you have and Irish pension or hold property in Ireland it is essential that you take that extra step to deal with important assets post foreign divorce.  Our expert team will guide you through the process of applying for Relief Post Foreign Divorce ensuring that your assets are protected for your future.